About Maxime

Skills endorsed in the hospitality industry, with a broad vision and knowledge on operational management as well as on all other disciplines of an hospitality organisation.

Furthermore, a strong vision on exploitation and stakeholder management.

Briging big international strategic hotel systems and strategies to your organization with a humanized approach!

I will provide fresh vision on your company, generate short term implementation plans within the disciplines which according to the business, teams and guests, require attention and improvement.
These will be indicated though BI and statistiscs and will always be objective.

''Service is love in action''

With a great track record in change management, an ability of putting energy into a company, proces or person... as if its's my very own... I am excited to elevate your hotel or business to the next level!

Ensuring the ''maximum amount of stars'' for your teams, guests and business.

Maxstars is my tool, to focus on your company, teams and guests!

Personalized approach

Investigation phase

I will observe through becoming part of the team.


Key improvement areas will have come to light through BI and statistics - key tools will be rooted from Yellow and Greenbelt, Lean Sixsigma practises. The plan of approach will be presented.

Implementation and change management

The art of change management is solely based on ensuring the team realises the added value of the change.

By being part of the team, taking the team through the potential benefits of new processes and idea's, I will ensure an efficient and positive way forward.

The Core

After Maxime Ammerlaan identified the hospitality industry as her passion, she made it a mission to become a fully invested, knowledgeable professional.
Stuck her nose in all disciplines of the industry and still does so.

She truly believes in broad interests; from nature, to buildings, to people, cultures and all types of businesses and industries.

''Always remains interested, intrigued, watch, listens and learn''.

As a true leader she has a vision. As well as a strong personality and is incredibly consistent, trustworthy, aims for results, is objective and honest.

PR, marketing and communications - being the face of a product or a business is where her strenght lays.

Besides from strategical and operational hospitality management!

Owner and investor relations, hotel operator guidance and hotel company and concept development.

''With great sense of ownership, I would not want to be the face of something that is not worth many stars!''

Furthermore a passionate and personalized approach is something you can expect from her.

Let's get in touch